INDIGO-DC PaaS Orchestrator

High level orchestration of heterogeneous Cloud resources


cube art thumbnail

Slurm cluster

Apache Mesos cluster

Kubernetes cluster

rock, paper, scissors thumbnail


gravity square thumbnail

Docker compose

and more...


  • indigo-dc
  • deep-hdc
  • xdc
  • eosc-hub
  • intertwin


The PaaS Orchestrator allows to coordinate the provisioning of virtualized compute and storage resources on Cloud Management Frameworks, both private and public (like OpenStack, OpenNebula, AWS, etc.), and the deployment of dockerized long-running services and batch jobs on Apache Mesos clusters. It receives the deployment requests, expressed through templates written in TOSCA (Simple Profile in YAML version 1.0), and orchestrates the deployments on the best available cloud sites. In order to select the best site, the Orchestrator implements a complex workflow: it gathers information about the SLAs signed by the providers with the user, the monitoring data about the availability of the compute and storage services, the location of the data requested by the user (if any). Hybrid deployments spanning multiple sites are supported. Using the PaaS Orchestrator and the TOSCA templates, the end users can exploit computational resources without any knowledge about the IaaS details.

Github Dockerhub Documentation


  • im
  • mesos
  • openstack
  • docker
  • ansible
  • tosca
